Gransenbon in Singapore

Not only have we had news that Majolica Majorca is launching in Singapore, word has it that another cult Japanese drugstore brand is headed here.

Gransenbon – the brand that produces delectable powder blushes shot through with beautiful shimmer – is apparently making its way to Singapore end-October. These blushes look like pretty confections, with their sweet range of colours and sprinkles of fine shimmer. What’s more, the clever pink and cream casing conceals a soft half-moon brush that picks up the right amount of pigment and is the perfect size for the pan.

Rouge Deluxe has beautiful photos of these lovelies – be very tempted! ;)

I wondered how a Gransenbon display would look like and found a photo on this blog, which also has photos of other Japanese drugstore makeup displays. Just look at those gorgeous Gransenbon blush cakes…so many, many of them! :)~

Good things…do they happen in threes too? Will there be another tempting Japanese drugstore brand coming our way here soon? Lavshuca, perhaps or Visée? :D


  • Anonymous says:

    halllloooo, thanks so much for your post. if not for your blog i wouldn’t know about gransenbon and where to find it in Sing. A friend was kind enough to purchase them for me, and I live in Manila. Got 4 and they are totally fab! Thanks again and nice post! =)/Venice

  • makeupmag says:

    Hi Venice,

    You’re very welcome! :)

    Thank you for your positive comments.

    Enjoy your lovely Gran Blushes!

  • veronica says:

    hello..anyone know where can i buy gransenbon in Singapore?
    thxs for d info ^_^v

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